L293D Motor Driver Shield Expansion Board
- Drive 4 DC motors with speed and direction control
- Drive 2 stepper motors
- Drive 2 servo motors
- 4.5 – 25V motor voltage range
- 1.2A peak current per channel (600mA continuous)
₹125.00 (excl. GST)L293D Motor Driver Shield Expansion Board
₹125.00 (excl. GST) -
Multifunction Shield For Arduino Uno / Leonardo
- 4 digit 7-segment LED display module driven by two serial 74HC595’s.
- 4 x surface mount LED’s in a parallel configuration.
- 10K adjustable precision potentiometer.
- 3 x Independent push buttons.
- Piezo buzzer.
- DS18B20 temperature sensor interface.
- LM35 temperature sensor interface.
- Infrared receiver interface.
- Serial interface header for convenient connection to serial modules such as Bluetooth, a wireless interface, voice module, a voice recognition module, etc.
₹241.00 (excl. GST)Multifunction Shield For Arduino Uno / Leonardo
₹241.00 (excl. GST) -
Proto Shield Prototype expansion board for Arduino UNO
Power rails down the middle and sides
A reset button and an extra general use button
2x 3mm general use LEDs, red and green, as well as 2 matching resistors
A pass-thru ICSP stacking header so you can stack any kind of shield on top, and/or use an AVR programmer
A surface-mount chip area for up to 14 SOIC size parts
Compatible with tiny breadboards
Every pin is brought out
Gold plated pads₹82.00₹90.00(excl. GST)Proto Shield Prototype expansion board for Arduino UNO
₹82.00₹90.00(excl. GST) -
Servo Driver Module Shield 16 Channel
Features :
- The I2C input, PWM output control 16 roads, steering gear can 16 roads.
- The steering gear power independent V + input maximum 6 V.
- Logic signals and logical power independent output for 3V to 5 V.
- 40-1000 Hz frequency.
₹525.00 (excl. GST)Servo Driver Module Shield 16 Channel
₹525.00 (excl. GST) -
₹850.00 (excl. GST)
W5100 Network Expansion Board Ethernet Shield
₹850.00 (excl. GST)
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