Minimum System Board Microcomputer STM32 ARM Core Board
Features :
- 100% Brand new and high-quality STM32 Board
- 72MHz work frequency.
- 512K flash memory, 128K SRAM.
- Reset(POR/PDR).
- 4-26MHz crystal.
- Onboard USB Type C interface, you can give the board power supply and USB communication.
₹650.00 (excl. GST)Minimum System Board Microcomputer STM32 ARM Core Board
₹650.00 (excl. GST) -
STM32F401CCU6 Minimum System Board Microcomputer STM32 ARM Core Board
Features :
- 100% Brand new and high-quality STM32 Board
- 84 MHz work frequency.
- 256K flash memory,64K SRAM.
- 1.7-3.6V power, I/O.
- 4-26MHz crystal.
- Onboard the Type-C USB interface, you can give the board power supply and USB communication.
₹410.00 (excl. GST)STM32F401CCU6 Minimum System Board Microcomputer STM32 ARM Core Board
₹410.00 (excl. GST)
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