16×2 Yellow or Green Backlight Alphanumeric Character LCD Display
- 16×2 LCD display Green LED Backlight
- The contrast of the screen can also be controlled by varying the voltage at the contrast control pin
- It is easy to interface with most micro controllers
₹90.00 (excl. GST)16×2 Yellow or Green Backlight Alphanumeric Character LCD Display
₹90.00 (excl. GST) -
20×4 Character LCD Module Display Blue Backlight
- 20×4 Character LCD Module Display has Wide viewing angle and high contrast
- Industry-standard HD44780 equivalent LCD controller built-in
- +5V DC LED blue backlight
- Don’t need a separate power supply for the backlight
- Supported 4 or 8-bit parallel interface
- Display 4-line x 20-character
- Operate with 5V DC
- Operating Temperature -20°C to 70°C
- Dot Matrix 5×8 Dots
₹350.00 (excl. GST)20×4 Character LCD Module Display Blue Backlight
₹350.00 (excl. GST)
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