Dual-axis XY Joystick Module
- Input voltage range: DC 3.3V to 5V, Quality rocker, long life, stable performance
- Two analog outputs, one digital output
- X, y-axis output of the two potentiometers can be read out through the a to d converter
- Cross joystick is a bi-directional 10K resistor, with the rocker in different directions, the tap resistance with the change. This module uses 5V power supply, the original state of X, Y read voltage of 2.5V or so, when pressed with the arrow direction, the read voltage value increases with the maximum to 5V; arrows in the opposite direction to press, read the voltage decreases , The minimum is 0V.
- Package content: 1 joystick module
₹42.00 (excl. GST)Dual-axis XY Joystick Module
₹42.00 (excl. GST)
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