BMP 280 Barometric Pressure and Altitude Sensor I2C/SPI Module
- Operating Voltage: 1.71V to 3.6V – would typically be operated from 3.3V
- Operating Temperature: -40 to +85 deg. Celsius (full accuracy between 0 and +65 deg. C)
- Operating Pressure: 300 hPa to 1100 hPa
- Peak current: 1.12mA
- Accuracy between 700 to 900hPa and 25 to 40 deg. C: ±0.12hPa and ±1.0m
₹40.00 (excl. GST)BMP 280 Barometric Pressure and Altitude Sensor I2C/SPI Module
₹40.00 (excl. GST) -
GY-521 ADXL335 Module 3-axis Analog Output Accelerometer
Features :
- Onboard LDO Voltage regulator
- Can be interfaced with a 3V3 or 5V Microcontroller.
- All necessary Components are populated.
- Ultra-Low Power: 40uA in measurement mode, 0.1uA in standby@ 2.5V
- Tap/Double Tap Detection
- Free-Fall Detection
- Analog output
- Build-in ultra-low noise linear LDO voltage regulator
- Built-in onboard filters, which reduce noise from the motor and other high current electronics
- Power LED
- Designed for 5V logic level
₹115.00 (excl. GST)GY-521 ADXL335 Module 3-axis Analog Output Accelerometer
₹115.00 (excl. GST)
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