DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module
- DHT11 sensor with PCB and LED indicator; 3 to 5V power and I/O, 4 pins with 0.1″ spacing
- The board has pre-built 4.7K or 10K resistor, which you will need to use as a pull-up from the data pin to VCC.
- 2.5mA max current use during conversion (while requesting data)
- Good for 20-80% humidity readings with 5% accuracy
- Good for 0-50°C temperature readings ±2°C accuracy.
₹45.00₹92.00(excl. GST)DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module
₹45.00₹92.00(excl. GST) -
DHT22 Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module
- Measuring range: temperature -40-80 ℃; humidity 0; 99.9%RH
- Measurement accuracy (25℃): temperature: + 0.5; humidity: + 2%RH (10; 90%RH)
- Resolution: temperature: 0.1 ℃, humidity: 0.1%RH
- Attenuation value: temperature: <1℃ / year; humidity: < 1%RH/ years
- High precision
- Capacitive type
- Full range temperature compensated
- Relative humidity and temperature measurement
- Calibrated digital signal
- Outstanding long-term stability
₹300.00 (excl. GST)DHT22 Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module
₹300.00 (excl. GST)
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