MQ135 Gas Sensor Detector Module
- Sensitivity to Ammonia, Sulphide and Benzene steam
- Sensitive for benzene, alcohol, smoke
- Fast response and recovery
- Adjustable sensitivity
- Signal output indicator
- Output voltage boosts along with the concentration of the measured gases increases
₹95.00 (excl. GST)MQ135 Gas Sensor Detector Module
₹95.00 (excl. GST) -
MQ2 Flammable Gas and Smoke Sensor Module
- Power Supply: 5 Volts
- Interface Type: Analog & Digital
- High Sensitivity to Smoke & combustible gasses like Hydrogen, LPG & Propane.
- Low Cost.
- Stable & Long Life.
- On board Power indication.
₹88.00 (excl. GST)MQ2 Flammable Gas and Smoke Sensor Module
₹88.00 (excl. GST) -
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