Micro soldering station 12v adjustable temperature
LOW VOLTAGE SOLDERING PEN; The majority of soldering irons have three basic temperature designs: 1) no temperature control designs, which are usually the least expensive and suitable for household soldering jobs, plug in and are ready to go after they’ve warmed up; 2) temperature-controlled soldering irons allow you to be sure that the soldering iron tip maintains the right temperature, but they are more expensive than basic soldering irons; and 3) soldering stations — which consist of a benchtop control unit and a soldering iron specifically designed for the unit, and which are the most expensive type of soldering iron If you are a professional or you plan to do a lot of soldering, consider a Freaks elect soldering station first.
₹450.00 (excl. GST)Micro soldering station 12v adjustable temperature
₹450.00 (excl. GST)
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